Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Glory of the Inanimate.

There's something thats absolutely wonderful about these inanimate things. My laptop for example. It's almost alive! I rave and rant through it, I yell at it, I spill water on it when I'm clumsy, I can speak through it (yes, thanks to the internet too.) I miss it when I'm on holiday( and don't take it along for company.) The other side of it, the reaction from the thing is so giving. Absolutely nothing is reactive. It's passive! It doesn't yell at me, remind of the unglorious existence, bug me cause it's superficial and only in one thing is it common to people in flesh and blood: It does not react and that might be it does the unexpected. It steals the Glory of the animate. The ones that are true solace and bright rainbows of the world and its existence. It overpowers the need for any other usual, normal in other words animate things taht live. Only difference is: this thing is Alive. My mind may be the reason. May this Glory shine throughout.

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